FacetWP is an advanced filtering plugin for WordPress that allows you to add faceted search to you WooCommerce sites, listing pages, resources pages, search pages, directories, and more.
FacetWP will work with most themes and you can easily add search and filter facets anywhere on your page or theme using shortcodes or PHP. It uses your sites existing custom fields, taxonomies, and post data (author, post date, post type, etc). It comes with a lots of different facet types including: checkboxes, dropdowns, date ranges, sliders, proximity (geolocation), and more.
FacetWP is Ajax based, so filtering happens quickly and without page refreshes. The plugin also uses an index table for extra speed.
- True faceted search
- Smart filtering
- Use your site’s existing data for filtering
- Supports all post types
- Supports all taxonomies
- Supports custom fields
- Built-in integration with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
- Integration with the Meta Box plugin
- Supports WooCommerce product attributes and variations
- Supports searching WooCommerce SKUs and other product meta
- Supports post attributes (title, post date, post author, etc)
- Lots of facet UI options
- Easy implementation
- Ajax-based for speed
- No full page refreshes
- Beaver Builder support
- Filter results by color
- Time since filtering
- Filter results by first letter
- Conditional logic
- Hierarchy select
- Range list
- Map facet
- SearchWP integration
- Relevanssi integration
- WooCommerce integration
- Easy Digital Downloads integration
- WP Job Manager integration
- Meta Box integration
- Polylang integration
- WPML integration