
What Makes a WordPress Theme Premium?

One of the best ways to make your WordPress site stand out from the crowd, attract more visitors, and keep them coming back is by using a premium WordPress theme. However just because you have to pay for a theme doesn’t make it ‘premium’. Not all premium themes are created equal, and not every premium WordPress theme is going to meet your specific needs.

iThemes have published a premium WordPress theme guide that helps you understand what to look for when buying a premium theme. The guide covers what you should know before you start looking at themes, how to assess a themes quality, and what you should be getting when you purchase a theme to ensure you are getting good value for your money.

Topics covered in the guide include:

Needs and Expectations

Assessing Quality

What Do You Get For Your Money?

After you read the guide you can find all the highest quality premium WordPress themes in our Best Premium WordPress Themes Gallery. Our collection includes:

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