
What is a Responsive WordPress Theme?


In web design circles there is a lot of talk these days about responsive web design and responsive themes. But what is a responsive WordPress theme and why does it matter? A responsive WordPress theme automatically adapts its layout and formatting to suit the screen size and device being used to view it. This means a website using a responsive theme will display nicely and work properly for all desktop browsers, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.

How Does A Responsive Theme Work?

The most common technique for responsive design is to use CSS media queries that alter how pages look depending on the screen size (number of pixels available) of the device accessing it. That is, there is one HTML code for the page regardless of the device accessing it, but its presentation changes using CSS media queries to specify which CSS rules apply for the browser displaying the page. Typically this is applied to handheld devices such as smarphones, however it can also apply to tablets, ebook readers, netbooks, or even large TV screens. A responsive design responds to the environment it’s being viewed on serving an optimized layout.

Responsive WordPress Theme

Why is a Responsive Design Important?

With the explosion of smartphone use, and the growing trend of accessing the web on mobile devices, it’s becoming more important your website is usable for people viewing your website on handheld devices like iPhones, iPads, Android Smartphone’s, and other mobile devices.

Also as outlined in a recent post on Goggles official blog, responsive design is Google’s preferred method of building smartphone optimised websites. This is because a site using responsive web design: 1) uses a single URL for both desktop and mobile content, making it easier for users and Google’s algorithm to index, and 2) Google can discover your content more efficiently.

Another advantage of using a responsive WordPress theme over other alternatives such as mobile plugins or separate mobile website versions is that it’s much easier to manage. It also gives your website a consistent look and feel across all platforms.

Responsive WordPress Themes

WordPress themes with responsive designs started appearing over a year ago, but these days there are lots of great responsive WordPress themes available for almost every type of website. Some of the best premium responsive WordPress themes are listed in the galleries below:

All the Best Responsive WordPress Themes
Responsive Magazine WordPress Themes
Responsive Business WordPress Themes
Responsive Portfolio WordPress Themes
Responsive Ecommerce WordPress Themes
10 Top Responsive Blogging WordPress Themes

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