
iThemes Builder 4.0 WordPress Theme Framework Now Responsive & 50% Off Discount Code

iThemes have released version 4.0 of their Builder Theme Framework which now includes support for responsive design. This update also brings 5 new responsive Foundation themes that have been updated to integrate with the responsive Framework. All the other iThemes child themes will also be updated with responsive support in the coming weeks.

Builder Framework Discount

The celebrate the launch of the new version, iThemes have a fantastic discount on the developer version of the Builder Framework. You can save 50% on the Builder Developer theme pack with coupon code RESPONSIVE50. The discount is valid through 31, October, 2012.

About Builder

Builder is a premium WordPress theme framework which lets you build WordPress sites quickly and easily by creating your own layouts. The power of Builder starts in its Layout Editor that lets you build your own layouts how you want them. Choose from the building blocks of a great web site by inserting modules: header, images, navigation, content area (with or without sidebars), widget bars, HTML areas, footer and more. It gives you complete flexibility without needing to know the code. iThemes have 60+ child themes you can use as a base for your website. Builder’s Style Manager plugin helps with styling so you can change the background, try a different font, or match the theme to the colours of your brand etc. Blocks are also available to add extra functionality add-ons for specific content types.


Foundation Pack: $80 (Builder Core Theme + 5 Foundation responsive themes)
Developer Pack: $197 (Builder Core Theme + All 60+ Child Themes)

For all the details and features of Builder visit iThemes or take advantage of the 50% discount and buy now.

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