
Elegant Themes Gets a Fresh, Clean New Look

Elegant Themes

Elegant Themes has updated the design of their website with a fresh and clean new look. As explained by Elegant Themes founder and designer Nick Roach,

The new look represents a shift towards simplicity and subtlety that has been evolving in our products over the years. I hope that browsing the website is now much more clear and intuitive.

Elegant Themes have 76 beautiful, high quality and user friendly premium WordPress themes for a whole range of different website styles including: CMS, business, ecommerce, magazine, news, portal, portfolio, professional blogging and other niche applications. They also have quite a few responsive WordPress themes, and are dedicated to updating their existing themes with responsive designs.

Elegant Themes membership costs only $39 and provides unlimited access to all 76+ of their premium themes, with 2-3 new themes each month. The price per theme is less than $0.50 each which is incredible value. Check out their new website design and extensive selection of premium themes here.

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